(Mis)Adventures of The Trendy Little Geek
It's Been a Bit Messy Around Here... But there's a Beautiful New Quilt Kit too!
Posted by April Hansen on

Hey y'all. Or Everyone. Or Youse Guys. Just a quick update here- Invoices for the month of April for those who pay by the month for Nebula have JUST gone out. Sorry about this slip up- I'd planned to do this whole automated invoicing thing, and it just... yeah. Well. They're out there, and kits will be shipped ASAP- because, hey! April isn't over yet! Also speaking of April, I still haven't done MY April BOM. I kinda left one of the rulers at my parent's place in PA on accident, but I have it now. Now the hard part-...
Tula Pink Nebula Block of the Month- March
Posted by April Hansen on

First up- an update on the technical side.If you're doing the sew along with our shop and you chose the three installment plan, invoices for the next portion of the sew along will be along shortly. Hopefully. We were expecting the next shipment shortly, but there have been extensive delays affecting fabric shipments from the suppliers overseas. Thank you for your patience and flexibility over the past few months. Fabric delays, USPS issues, man- this has been a time! Okay. Moving on. This is month three of the Nebula sew along. Or, for me, the month where the wheels fall...
Let's Talk Money
Posted by April Hansen on

Hey guys! I promise March's block of the month is coming very shortly (I swear, it's sewn and I have the photos and everything!) but tonight I really gotta talk about something that business owners all prickle about: Money. I mean, we all know fabric is the key to ultimate happiness, but you need money to buy fabric. Therefore... I present the argument that money CAN buy happiness. In the form of fabric. And chocolate. Chocolate too. When your fabric arrives from me, it's really the end of a very long supply chain starting in the cotton fields of India,...
Tula Pink Nebula Block of the Month- February
Posted by April Hansen on
Tula Pink Nebula Block of The Month- January
Posted by April Hansen on

As per my usual style, I'm a bit behind the 8 ball when it comes to this quilt along. But first, I feel I'd be seriously remiss in not mentioning this blog is going up and out on Martin Luther King Jr Day of Remembrance. This day is supposed to be a day where we honor the legacy of Dr. King- his service, his activism, his dedication, and selflessness in pursuing justice for ALL people in this country. So today we've donated our tip jar money from the past quarter (ending beginning 2021) plus $150 of our profits to donate...
- Tags: tip jar, Tula Pink Nebula