Black. Lives. Matter.

Posted by April Hansen on


First off, we're sorry we haven't hopped on the blog and said anything yet. Please do not mistake the silence on our blog so far for indifference, for it is far from that. 

These past weeks have been so powerful, and we've been doing our best to listen and become better allies. We've been uplifted by the images of peaceful protest; of neighbors coming out despite possible risks to demand justice and equality for Black Americans. 

We've been equally disheartened and sickened by some of the images we've seen involving the use of force and chemical weapons (tear gas) against said protestors. 

It seems like every company has come out with their statement about this moment in history. We know you're listening- and we know that you have choice when it comes to who you spend your money with. We want you to know that we stand with the protestors. Over the weekend we had a destash fundraiser on our Instagram account to benefit Isak Douah's fund to provide gas masks for protestors in Minneapolis. We donated a grand total of $835.50; enough to provide a mask for about 7 people (at a cost of $120 per mask.)

We believe the use of tear gas amidst this pandemic is ill-advised and unwarranted. It is a show of force meant to silence the voice of peaceful protestors. It also carries other risks, as pointed out here , here , and here by multiple experts in the field. We also believe it violates human rights- we don't use tear gas against enemies at war, so why is it allowed on our citizens during peacetime? As someone who breathes now thanks to another's donated lungs, the news of the suffocation of George Floyd moved me to tears; the ugly, angry sobs of a wounded animal. The news that we're now suffocating protestors moved me to rage. 

We support actions that would reform law enforcement and the justice system; a system that is DEEPLY, DEEPLY flawed. 

One of our favorite late night guys breaks down what "defunding the police" really means; and why we should be in favor of it. 

If you're still looking for ways to help make a positive change, Mister Domestic is holding a fundraiser over at @misterdomesticfundraiser on Instagram, auctioning off what must amount to hundreds of donations to benefit BLM causes. We've donated this gorgeous half yard bundle of Tula Pink's latest HomeMade collection; we'll even ship internationally! 

There's also tons of other finished quilts, supplies and more- it's a must check out page! Check it out here or by clicking on the photo of the fabric above. 

We hope you're finding ways to better yourselves in this time, whether that's by reading the news and staying informed, by seeking out black voices in your community and LISTENING to their NEEDS, or by reflecting on your past behaviors and making room to grow- in whatever way that looks like. We must ALL rise to the occasion. 

Before we go; another shout out to these guys for saving the day with COFFEE:

They're black owned, a certified B corp, fair trade, tasty... I mean. Just. All the good things. 

BLK & Bold is where it's at you guys. Even if you're not a huge coffee person (I only like Iced/cold brew) you've gotta try this stuff. It's magical. And gives 5% back to youth programs. This blend I've especially liked for cold brew because it comes out SO smooth and mellow. Plus, did you know, light roasts actually have MORE caffeine than dark? Take that, burnt and bitter dark roasts! 

We know this is all overwhelming. It seems like it's happening really fast. I think maybe significant change always does; I mean, when are we ever *truly* ready to totally dismantle broken systems, even when it's so clear they're not working? We must do this. We will. So stay with us. 

Take a deep breath.
Get your second (or fourth) cup of coffee.
Let's do this. 

Further reading/a good starting place:

So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

This list compiled by NPR; I'm working my way through it now. 




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